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Showing posts from December, 2022

Accessibility in FeedbackFruits

A new feature in the FeedbackFruits (FbFs) Peer Review tool allows students to request an accessible version of the document they are assigned to review. Because peer review might be configured so that submitter and reviewer are anonymous, the request for an accessible version of the document goes to the instructor who manages the request . But wouldn’t it be better if all students were aware of these practices before they begin the assignment? Instructors can use this as an opportunity to reinforce accessibility practices, creating a classroom community that practices accessible practices. Ensure your assignments are accessible to all students from the start by learning the benefits of accessible design . In order to proactively manage requests for accessible documents and other resources, it is important to model good accessibility practices and encourage your students to do the same.  Accessible Documents When creating an assignment, include resources that show students how t...