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Extra Points is a platform for OIT's Academic Technology Services (ATS) team to share insights, practices, and ideas about digital teaching at the University of Minnesota and the broader arena of higher education. 

Our team is responsible for nurturing and maintaining the digital learning ecosystem, a complex intersection of people, tools, and processes. Our posts will present pedagogically-tested digital teaching strategies, share tips to strengthen course design, explore tools to use in your teaching practice, and report on cross-institutional collaborations at the University of Minnesota.

Extra Points will complement the Teaching with Technology newsletter with in-depth exploration of topics delivered on a flexible publishing cadence. If you’re an instructor, academic support staff, technologist, or instructional designer, Extra Points will have:

  • advice on effective use of technology in teaching,
  • in-depth recaps of ATS online sessions,
  • investigations of academic technology topics and tools, and
  • information about pilots, products, and collaborations with peer institutions.

Additional Extra Points are available twice monthly. 

Email with questions or comments.