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Boost Student Attendance and Participation in Office Hours

  • Do you host office hours to answer questions and deepen student learning? 
  • Are struggling students, who would really benefit from office hours, not attending? 
  • Would you like to increase attendance and enhance participation? 

Change the name

Retitle 'Office Hours' to 'Student Hours' to increase attendance. Students have disclosed that they thought 'Office Hours' refers to when instructors are physically on campus and that the time is dedicated to their own research and class preparation. Students mistakenly assume stopping by is an interruption! Changing the name, or at least emphasizing to students that this time is set aside for them, may increase attendance. 

Vary the Format

Through Canvas you can set appointment blocks where students schedule one-on-ones or you can set open times for students to drop in. Read, Canvas: Use the Calendar to Schedule Office Hours for specifics. Consider dedicating time slots that are open to drop-ins and allow multiple students to join. For some students, one-on-one appointment-only sessions can be intimidating. In a 2021 focus group one student’s feedback on open Student Hours was:

I really liked having other students present. Sometimes a question was asked that was the same one that I had. It’s like a study session where you can interact with classmates more. 

Other students relish one-on-one time. Switch up the format of Student Hours throughout the semester. For example, host open Student Hours for everyone before a quiz or exam, then shift to one-on-one (or group) time slots as students work on individual (or group) projects.

Invite Students 

Regardless of how you structure Student Hours, regularly invite students (verbally and in writing) to the time set aside for them. A direct appeal that shows you're invested in their learning can increase student attendance and participation. 


In your invitation, describe what you found useful from Student Hours when you were a student or how previous students have benefited. Explain what they can expect at Student Hours, whether it’s asking questions about the most recent material you covered, or preparing for an upcoming assignment or quiz. 


Attendance and participation in Student Hours can be rewarding for both you and your students. Don’t be afraid to ask them questions too. This can be a time to get to know your students better and receive feedback on your class. 


Check out these tools to facilitate student hours.